The Student Representative Council (SRC) of Casimir is a student body made up of two year representatives from Year 7-12 who are chosen by the students to represent them. The SRC works alongside the student body to make improvements in various areas of the school by gathering the views of their peers. They have fortnightly meetings to discuss the issues raised and find solutions before presenting them to the college executive. This allows the voice of every student to be heard and appreciated.
Some contributions the SRC has made to the college include:
- Helping organise whole school charity fundraisers
- Providing feedback on learning spaces
- Developing, promoting and encouraging a positive mindset campaign
- Presenting at the college assemblies
- Consulting with senior leaders and their portfolios
- Establishing a review of the canteen
- Campaigning for more bubblers and tables in the playground as well as sports equipment for recess and lunch
- Organising a talk for Year 10 students given by Year 11 and 12 students regarding work expectations in the senior school.